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Development Sweden

The focus of Development Sweden #34 is the ongoing corruption scandal at the Swedish embassy in Congo (DRC) where more than 3 million Euro has “disappeared”. Is this scandal connected with the Sida employee who recently was released from custody? Also in Development Sweden #34: Will Sweden return to the one percent GPD to ODA goal …

Almost 3,000 CSO has presented their expression of interest for a new agreement with Sida. We have the whole list. Also in Development Sweden #32, we take a closer look on Ukraine and the Swedish development cooperation with the country, as well as Ukraine’s relation to the Global South. The headlines: Development Sweden is published every …

Why was a Sida country manager detained? What does Sidas proposal for civil society looks like and how can you as a CSO apply? Also in Development Sweden #31, State Secretary Diana Janse on the development in Georgia. Headlines Development Sweden is published every fourteen days and the target group is people who work professionally with …

Sida’s decision to terminate agreements with all civil society organisations has sparked strong reactions. Sida itself also admits that the situation may lead to worse outcomes. At the same time, criticism is growing abroad – something that risks affecting Sweden’s role in several collaborating countries, according to several individuals we have talked with. Sweden’s image …

Development Sweden #28 deliver news on how the Swedish government wants to take 300 million from civil society and according to the opposition the government has lost its trust from civil society. Sweden will also lift the payment freeze for Palestine, but the new strategy does not mention the word “occupation”. Headlines in Development Sweden …

Development Sweden, Global Bar Magazine’s bi-weekly English-language sister magazine, has turned one year. In issue #27 you can among other things read about why Sida Terminates All Civil Society Agreements and how The Ministry for Foreign affairs responds to criticism from civil society. Headlines in Development Sweden #27 Development Sweden is published every fourteen days and …

Development Sweden is Global Bar Magazine’s English-language newsletter. In issue 22 you can read about Sweden’s ODA focus 2024 as it is presented in a letter of appropriation for Sida. Strong focus on business and trade. At the same time, aid cooperation with several countries in Asia and Africa will be terminated. However, Guatemala will …

Det tionde numret av Global Bar Magazines engelskspråkiga nyhetsbrev Development Sweden har nu nått prenumeranterna.  I nyhetsbrevet lyfts fram att Jakob Granit, för närvarande generaldirektör för Havs- och vattenmyndigheten, har utsetts till ny generaldirektör för Sida. Samt att den tidigare biståndsministern Gunilla Carlsson blir ny styrelseordförande. Development Sweden är Global Bar Magazines engelskspråkiga nyhetsbrev som …

Det sjätte numret av Global Bar Magazines engelskspråkiga nyhetsbrev Development Sweden har nu nått prenumeranterna.  Development Sweden är Global Bar Magazines engelskspråkiga nyhetsbrev som startade tidigare i år. Nyhetsbrevet är anpassat för en internationell målgrupp och ger en god överblick över beslut, insatser och policyfrågor när det gäller Sveriges bistånd och Sveriges roll i världen.  …

The fourth issue of Global Bar Magazine’s English-language newsletter Development Sweden has now reached the subscribers. From this issue onwards the main articles of the newsletter can only be read by paying subscribers. “Now we hope that many of those who read the first trial issues will follow and sign up for a paid subscription”, …

The third issue of Global Bar Magazine’s English language newsletter Development Sweden has now reached the subscribers. Read about the new government’s Development Cooperation Policy, salaries of Swedish aid workers abroad and why racism prevails in Sweden. The open rate for Development Sweden has been very high and the numbers of subscribers keep on increasing. ”This …

Det andra numret av Global Bar Magazines engelskspråkiga nyhetsbrev Development Sweden har nu nått prenumeranterna.  – Det fortsätter att strömma in prenumeranter och vi har fått ytterligare några som redan skrivit upp sig på en helårsprenumeration, berättar Global Bar Magazines chefredaktör David Isaksson. De första tre numren av Development Sweden är gratis för alla. Därefter kommer …

The second issue of Global Bar Magazine’s English language newsletter Development Sweden has now reached the subscribers. Read about Swedish-Turkish relations, aid cuts in Guatemala and the new Swedish strategy for Ukraine. ”We see a flow of new subscribers and we have a few more who have already signed up for a full-year subscription,” says Global …

Many people around the world are eager to learn more about what’s happening regarding Sweden’s aid and international engagement. That’s why we are now launching the Development Sweden newslettter. There is a lot going on right now with respect to Sweden’s foreign aid. The current government´s focus is on Ukraine, while many other regions and …