The OECD-DAC evaluator network voices concern that the independence of evaluators at Sida is under threat, at the same time the rapid organisational changes at Sida have led to stress and many sick leaves. Now, the safety representatives are raising the alarm. Read more in Development Sweden #41. Our headlines:  Development Sweden is published every fourteen days …

ANALYSIS. With fewer contractual steps and intermediaries, the Swedish government wants to achieve greater efficiency, less bureaucracy, better control and more resources reaching local organisations in partner countries. But why didn’t anyone think of it before, if it was so simple? asks Göran Holmqvist, former head of Sida’s Asia and Humanitarian Affairs department. The opinions expressed …

Finally, the Swedish government has presented its new strategy for civil society. Will the umbrella organisations survive the changes, and what can we now expect from the development cooperation agency Sida that will manage the changes? Read more in Development Sweden #40 Our headlines: Development Sweden is published every fourteen days and the target group is people …

COLUMN. With the new law on foreign agents, the Georgian government wants to stifle all independent voices – including the media. That’s why we must fight for our freedom, ahead of the elections on 26 October, writes Mariam Gersamia, professor at Tbilisi State University and president of the organisation Media Voice. The opinions expressed in …

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is shaken to its core. Will it survive? Swedish NGO IM Development Partner is closing down half of its countries and Sida delays decision on Partnership Agreements, Those are the headlines in Development Sweden #38. The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), which is behind both the Stockholm Water Prize and World …

Elefanter strövar omkring i nationalparken Chobe i Botswana. Foto: Shutterstock

An elephant uses its trunk for eating, drinking water, communicating, exploring the environment, social behaviour, and making and using tools. Now, this can be used to improve the ability of robots to grip and handle objects, according to a group of researchers. Researcher Pauline Costes was part of a group of scientists who tested six …

Iraq, Afghanistan och and SIW is closing down its development cooperation program. Those are the headlines in Development Sweden #36. The Swedish government has clearly stated that they aim to reduce further the number of recipient countries. One was closed down (decision taken) in July: Iraq. More are expected. Another consequence on the development in …

Just as western governments once outsourced production, the dumping of e-waste and plastics recycling, they are now seeking to hand over the problem of refugee processing and governance. This will fill the pockets of corrupt regimes, writes Ali Bhaga and Genevieve LeBaron from Simon Fraser University. In recent years, western nations have been sending asylum …

Who were the first Africans to compete in the modern Olympic Games? The answer to that question reveals the surprising story of a 1904 marathon – and exposes the history of racism and white supremacy that characterised the Olympics in its early days, writes Francois Cleophas from Stellenbosch University. The first modern Olympic Games was …

The 25th International AIDS Conference, will take place in Munich from 22 to 26 July 2024. What has been the response during the 40 years? In June 1981 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a rare form of pneumonia in young gay men in California. Although they didn’t know it at the time, these …



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