Gaza: Organisationer välkomnar ICJ-beslut

Från förhandlingarna,. Foto: ICJs twitterkonto.

Den internationella domstolen ICJ har beordrat Israel att omedelbart stoppa sin militära offensiv i Rafah. Beslutet välkomnas av Läkare Utan Gränser och andra internationella hjälporganisationer.

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Beslutet är bindande för Israel som medlem av FN (art 94 i FN-stadgan), men Israel kommer sannolikt ändå inte att efterleva det och domstolen har ingen makt att säkerställa att beslutet efterlevs.

Den svenska juristen och experten på Internationell rätt Pål Wrange sammanfattar beslutet så här på Twitter/X.

Flera internationella hjälporganisationer välkomnar beslutet. Oxfam skriver:

“Oxfam welcomes the ICJ’s order as a critical intervention to stop Israel’s military onslaught on Rafah, which has displaced more than 800,000 people, and an affirmation of the right to life of the Palestinian people.

“Israel’s relentless bombardment of Gaza has killed or injured 5% of the entire population – mostly women and children – and pushed the rest to the brink of famine. 

“The Israeli Government must immediately comply with the Court’s ruling and halt its brutal offensive on Rafah. It must also release its stranglehold on the aid pipeline, allowing the 4,500 banked-up trucks held at Al-Arish to reach people with desperately-needed food, water, and medicine.

“All states have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure Israel complies with this order, and that the hundreds of thousands of people sheltering in Rafah are protected. 

“States arming this Israeli offensive are now defying the ICJ ruling, and are complicit in any war crimes committed in Gaza. They must stop supplying weapons immediately, and instead press harder for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire to prevent further bloodshed, and to ensure the safe return of all hostages and unlawfully detained Palestinians.” 

Läkare Utan Gränser skriver:

”Today’s decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordering Israel to halt its offensive on Rafah in southern Gaza and to reopen the Rafah crossing is another confirmation of how catastrophic the situation is and of the desperate need for humanitarian aid to be scaled up immediately. We have been calling for an immediate and sustained ceasefire in Gaza since the beginning of this war and have been alerting on the disastrous consequences of this offensive on Rafah since it was announced for the first time in February. The situation in Gaza has never been so dire: essential humanitarian and medical aid has barely entered since the beginning of May leaving hundreds of thousands of people without food, water, shelter and medicine and hospitals without fuel; according to the UN, 900,000 people have yet again been displaced in these past three weeks alone, as Israel’s offensive in Rafah has intensified and heavy fighting is taking place in the north of the enclave. We continue to call for an immediate and sustained ceasefire for all of Gaza, as it is the only way to stop the indiscriminate killing of civilians and allow for the substantial provision and delivery of aid on a meaningful scale, which is needed now more than ever throughout the Strip.”

När detta publicerats hade varken utrikesminister Tobias Billström eller Utrikesdepartementets officella twitterkonto kommenterat beslutet. Däremot så säger Tobias Billström i en skriftlig kommentar till DN att: ”ICJ:s beslut är bindande och vi förväntar oss att det följs”.

På Twitter skriver EU:s utrikespolitiske talesperson Josep Borrell:

Josep Borell skriver senare ett längre blogginlägg som du kan läsa här.

De senaste dagarna har också Norge, Irland och Spanien meddelat att de kommer att erkänna Palestina. Därmed står Israel allt mer ensamt. Israel har i detta sammanhang valt att genomföra nya bombräder mot Rafah.


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