EU-kommissionen har beslutat om en kraftig ökning av det humanitära biståndet som en följd av pandemin. Budgeten uppgår initialt till 1,4 miljarder Euro, vilket är en ökning med 60 procent, skriver kommissionen på sin hemsida.
– De humanitära behoven växer kraftigt och vi behöver den budget som matchar detta. Vår ökade budget kommer att göra det möjligt för EU att fortsätta spela en ledande roll när det gäller att hjälpa vid pågående och framtida kriser, säger den ansvarige kommissionären Janez Lenarčič.
Fördelningen ser ut så här:
- €505 million will be allocated to Africa to support people affected by the long-term Lake Chad Basin crisis, impacting Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon, and Chad; those suffering from food and nutrition crisis, worsened by security incidents and community conflicts, in the Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger); and those displaced by armed conflicts in South Sudan, Central African Republic and Horn Of Africa (Somalia and Ethiopia).
- €385 million of EU humanitarian funding will be allocated to the needs in the Middle East and Turkey to help those affected by the Syria regional crisis, as well as the extremely severe situation in Yemen.
- €180 million in humanitarian assistance will continue to help the most vulnerable populations in Asia and Latin America. In Latin America, this includes those affected by the crises in Venezuela and Colombia. The European Union will also continue to provide help in Asian countries such as Afghanistan, where the conflict has been qualified as one of the deadliest conflicts worldwide, and Bangladesh, which is currently hosting almost one million Rohingya refugees from Myanmar. The EU will also allocate €28 million to fund projects addressing crises in Ukraine, Western Balkans, and the Caucasus.
Förutom de medel som fördelas direkt finns en reserv på drygt 300 miljoner euro.