Development Sweden #57. Ukrainian refugees must be given long-term security

It has been three years since the EU activated the Temporary Protection Directive. Yet, thousands of people are still left in uncertainty. Therefore, Ukrainian refugees must be given long-term security in Sweden (debate). This issue also features a commentary on the World Bank’s poverty report as well as an interview with the Swedish Postcode Lottery – an increasingly important source of income for Swedish organizations in the development field

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Development Sweden is providing you with exclusive insight about everything that happens in Swedish aid politics.

Our headlines

  • Debate: Ukrainian refugees must be given long-term security
  • The elephant in the (aid policy) room
  • The lottery-millionaire who likes taking risks

Development Sweden is published on a continuous basis and the target group is people who work professionally with development issues. The editorial board of Development Sweden includes, in addition to employees at Global Bar Magazine, Monika Gutestam Hustus, who has worked for many years for the Save the Children movement in Washington and has extensive knowledge of how international organizations work.

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