Echolocation 10: Should I stay or should I go? 

How can brain drain be reverse so that a country like Moldova can convince the young generation to stay in the country? That was the topic for a live discussion that took place in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova as a part of the Echolocation project.

Less and less Moldovan students choose Moldovan universities to continue their studies. Instead, they go abroad. But who will come back once the studies are over? How can companies and organisations in Moldova attract young people to make them stay, or return to the country? How can the brain drain be stopped and what do Moldovan authorities do to make their country more attractive to the young generation?

This Episode of Echolocation was recorded live with a young audience in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, comparing opportunities of studying at home or abroad.

Host: Alina-Maria Turcanu, Moldova.

Listen on Podcaster here

Echolocation – Bringing Your Voices together is a special podcast cooperation between Georgia (Knews), Moldova (Diez) and Sweden (Global Bar Magazine/Global Podd). Our aim is to create an echo through society by inviting young people to make their voices heard, exchange information and opinions.

The project is implemented with support from the Swedish Institute.

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