About Global Bar Magazine

Global Bar Magazine is Sweden’s leading magazine on global issues. Our aim is to cover global development issues with a focus on the Global South, development cooperation, sustainability, new solutions and human rights. Most of our publications are in Swedish, but we do publish articles in English and Spanish as well. Currently we have nearly 30 000 readers per month and our audience continues to grow. We also publish Global Podd with regular episodes on global development.

Our name comes from the Global Bar discussion venue that we created some twenty years ago.

We also have the English newsletter Development Sweden on Swedish development cooperation and policy which is published every 14 days. Development Sweden is mainly for people who work with development issues on a professional basis and wants to follow the Swedish aid strategy and politics. The price is 100 Euro per year or 10 Euro per month.

Click here to register for a free or paid subscription. 

Editor responsible under Swedish press law: David Isaksson
Contact us at info@globalbar.se


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